iN My SeArCh FoR HaPPiNeSS...

"We do not realize that LOVE is just a further impetus,
not something that will prevent us going forward.
We do not realize that those who genuinely wish us well
want us to be HAPPY and are prepared
to accompany us on that JOURNEY."
- from "The Alchemist"
by Paulo Coelho

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A SiMpLe MeSSaGe To MaNKiNd

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
- Gandhi

Monday, August 29, 2005

FrOm "ThE NoTeBooK"

From Noah:
"I am nothing special; of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough."
- It's such a powerful love story: ordinary yet rare, simple yet so complicated. Love is all that really matters. It hopes, believes, and endures all things. If we can only recognize love, accept it when it comes, appreciate all that it gives us, fight for it when the time calls for such, understand it when it gets complicated, and believe in it at all times. Then, and only then, can we fully comprehend the meaning of life and love... and be genuinely happy.

A MaNtRa ThAt i WiSh To FoLLoW...

"Live with intention.
Walk to the edge.
Listen hard.
Practice wellness.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regret.
Continue to learn.
Appreciate your friends.
Do what you love.
LiVe As iF tHis iS aLL TheRe iS."
- Mary Ann Radmacher

Saturday, August 27, 2005

PoWeR oF SeVeN SuRvEy

7 things that scares you:
1. losing loveones
2. i'm not scared of death or dying but i don't think i'm ready for that yet
3. ghosts
4. being alone in a dark isolated area
5. war and violence
6. not being able to care for myself... both physical and/or mental disability
7. not being able to conceive

7 things you like the most:
1. food
2. writing materials (cards, notecards, stationaries, and pens)
3. internet access
4. books
5. music CDs
6. cellphones
7. black pants

7 important things in your bedroom:
1. my bed
2. lots of pillows
3. book collection
4. my sound system and music CDs
5. my photo albums
6. clothes
7. my Bible

7 random facts about you:
1. i've always been the fat one
2. i'm very nanay to my barkada
3. i'm a workaholic
4. i love to cook (and eat)
5. i rarely eat breakfast
6. if i eat too much fried food or spicy food, i'll have gastric pains.
7. i can sleep for more than 12 hours

7 things you plan to do before you die:
1. be a doctor... and a good one at that
2. be able to finish a doctoral degree at either UC Berkeley or Stanford
3. start a foundation that will provide education and livelihood to the poor
4. be able to travel with my family and friends
5. have kids
6. take care of my kids' future financially
7. marry the love of my life, and spend my lifetime loving him

7 things you can do:
1. i can cook well
2. i write well (good penmanship that is)
3. love deeply
4. i can multi-task
5. i can work non-stop for more than 24 hours
6. i can do any housework except for gardening
7. i can drive (automatic cars lang)

7 things you can't do:
1. swim
2. ride a bike
3. rollerskates
4. i can't not work
5. drive a stick-shift car
6. bake well
7. run fast (my lower legs would hurt real bad)

7 things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1. eyes
2. sense of humor
3. thoughtfulness (romantic)
4. good disposition in life
5. determination to do what he wants in life
6. clean and dresses well (amoy bagong ligo palagi)
7. wit (good communicator and smart-thinker)

7 things you say the most:
1. shit!
2. the lovely f word
3. huh?
4. tanidu na (short version of p.i. in kapampangan
5. really?
6. grabe!
7. uhmm

7 celeb crushes:
1. brad pitt (in legends of the fall, meet joe black and mr & mrs smith)
2. george clooney (in ocean's 11 and out of sight)
3. orlando bloom (in all of his movies)
4. josh hartnett (in all of his movies, too)
5. diddy (my papi)
6. keanu reeves (in speed)
7. leonardo di caprio (in titanic and the beach)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I'm 28...

It's my birthday today. Lord, I am thankful for all that I have and all that will come my way. I ask Your Guiding Light to show me the way so that I can fulfill my purpose in life. Thy will be done.

Monday, August 01, 2005

A FaThEr'S AdViCe To HiS DaUgHtEr

"LoVe iS pAsSioN, oBseSsioN, SoMeoNe YoU cAn'T LiVe WiThOuT. FaLL hEaD oVeR HeeLs. FiNd SoMeOnE yOu CaN LoVe LiKe CrAzY aNd Who'LL LoVe YoU tHe SaMe WaY BaCk. AnD hOw Do YoU FiNd HiM? FoRgEt YoUr HeAd aNd LiStEn To YoUr HeArT. RuN tHe RiSk. iF yOu GeT HuRt, You'LL CoMe BaCk. BeCaUsE, ThE tRuTh iS tHeRe iS nO sEnSe LiViNg YoUr LiFe WiThOuT ThiS. To MaKe ThE JoUrNeY aNd NoT FaLL DeEpLy iN LoVe. --- WeLL, YoU hAvEn'T LiVeD a LiFe aT aLL. YoU hAvE To tRy. BeCaUsE iF yOu HaVeN't tRiEd, YoU HaVeN't LiVeD."
- FrOm "mEeT JoE bLaCk" (a movie)