iN My SeArCh FoR HaPPiNeSS...

"We do not realize that LOVE is just a further impetus,
not something that will prevent us going forward.
We do not realize that those who genuinely wish us well
want us to be HAPPY and are prepared
to accompany us on that JOURNEY."
- from "The Alchemist"
by Paulo Coelho

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Thank you for everything! My years here in Santa Barbara and the bookstore have been wonderful learning experience for me. I have learned to be independent, to work hard, and to face challenges with strength in my heart. You guys have been my family here, and I will forever be grateful for all that we've shared. I will visit someday and I will definitely keep in touch.

I want to thank Carmen and James for allowing me to grow and for respecting my views and ways of dealing with work. Thank you for the opportunity of working in your departments, and for guiding me in my day-to-day duties here.

Debby, thank you for putting up with me. I know I can be annoying at times but thank you for answering all my questions, and for taking care of me.

Jane, Sylvia, Lauren, Rachel, & Carmen... thank you for being good co-workers here in the department. It's been tough the last few months because we've been short-staffed and the work load just kept growing but we've survived 2005. I know you guys will be fine. Things will definitely get better.

And to the rest, I appreciate all the kindness, the humor, the good food, the day-to-day interaction, the potlucks, and the friday breakfast. I will miss everyone. Take care of each other.


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