iN My SeArCh FoR HaPPiNeSS...

"We do not realize that LOVE is just a further impetus,
not something that will prevent us going forward.
We do not realize that those who genuinely wish us well
want us to be HAPPY and are prepared
to accompany us on that JOURNEY."
- from "The Alchemist"
by Paulo Coelho

Thursday, May 11, 2006

WoRdS To LiVe By

  • "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." ~~Aristotle
  • "To find out what one is fitted to do, and to secure an opportunity to do it, is the key to happiness." ~~John Dewey
  • "Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure; where your treasure, there your heart; where your heart, there your happiness." ~~Saint Augustine
  • "Paint the walls of your mind with many beautiful pictures." ~~William Lyon Phelps
  • "The world in which you live is not primarily determinedby outward conditions and circumstances but by the thoughts that habitually occupy your mind." ~~Norman Vincent Peale
  • "Every generation finds it hard to hear what its children need --- because its chidhood is still ringing in its ears." ~~Ellen Goodman
  • "Considering life's brevity, we should travel abundantly, with great enthusiasm." ~~Peter Megargee Brown
  • "What a man thinks of himself, that is what determines, or rather, indicates, his fate." ~~Henry David Thoreau
  • "What lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do." ~~Aristotle
  • "To live content with small means; to seek elegance rathen than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich; to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly; to listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart; to bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, await occasions, hurry never. In a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common. This is to be my symphony." ~~William Henry Channing
  • "Blessed is he who expects no gratitude, for he shall not be disappointed." ~~William Bennett
  • "There is no coming to consciousness without pain." ~~Carl Jung
  • "People cultivate five thousand roses in a garden... and still they do not find what they seek... and yet what they are seeking may be found in a single rose or a drop of water." ~~Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • "A random act of kindness spreads like wildfire because all of us respond to love. Love your life." ~~Blake Foster
  • "Life is a series of moments. Each moment should be welcomed in joy and relinquished in joy." ~~Deepak Chopra
  • "You may delay, but time will not." ~~Benjamin Franklin
  • "Feel the dignity of a child. Do not feel superior to him, for you are not." ~~Robert Henri
  • "People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within." ~~Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
  • "Nothing is more revealing than movement. Actions do speak." ~~Ogden Nash
  • "The most important thing about getting somewhere is starting right where we are." ~~Bruce Barton
  • "We all find time to do what we really want to do." ~~William Feather
  • "If you do not express your own original ideas, if you do not listen to your own being, you will have betrayed yourself." ~~Rollo May
  • "No human being can really understand another, and no one can arrange another's happiness." ~~Graham Greene
  • "The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it." ~~George C. Scott
  • "I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself." ~~Mikhail Baryshnikov
  • "There is an essence of the divine in all living things. And each person is literally a microcosm of the universe." ~~Gloria Steinem
  • "There is just one life for each of us: our own." ~~Euripides
  • "You can never step in the same river twice." ~~Heraclitus
  • "Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be." ~~Grandma Moses
  • "We should not let our fears hold us back from pursuing our hopes." ~~John F. Kennedy
  • "You've got one life to live. It's short, at best. It's a wonderful privilege and a terrific opportunity --- and you've been equipped for it. Use your equipment. Give it all you've got." ~~Norman Vincent Peale

~~~ lifted from "Things I Want My Daughters To Know" by an inspiring author, Alexandra Stoddard ~~~


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